Antenatal Breastfeeding Classes

I don’t know who said “knowledge is power”, but I do believe that the more information you have about something, the more in control you feel.  Getting help is useful, but as anyone who is pregnant knows, as soon as people know you are pregnant they start giving you all sorts of information, advice and “help”.

Add that to the multitude of websites, books, magazine articles and TV shows and it’s no wonder it’s almost impossible to decide what’s right for OUR baby, or how we feel about something.  It’s no wonder so many new parents feel unsure about how to look after their baby – there’s so much information out there that makes it sound hard… and everyone has a horror story they just can’t wait to share.

I believe that many parents know more than they think do about how to look after their baby.  Left alone to follow our instincts, most of us work it out just fine 🙂

The antenatal breastfeeding classes that we offer in Dunedin are for you (the mother) and her partner, grandparent, sister, close friend – who ever is going to be around to support you once your baby is born.  The classes aim to cover how to position and latch your baby at the breast, how your body makes milk, being skin to skin with your baby, what to expect from your breastfed baby, over coming common challenges, supporting a breastfed mother, where to get ongoing support and more!  The classes are about 3 hours long and are FREE.

Places on the courses are limited to ensure that individual needs can be met.  The courses include activities and discussion topics,  and you will receive a comprehensive information pack to take with you at the end.

For dates and more information email or check out our facebook page:

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